Description: A film analysis is not a review or summary of the plot, it should go deeper into analysis and reaction. It should discuss the issues raised by the film, address the film’s importance and purpose, state reactions to the content and quality of the film, and connect it to ideas and material presented in class. It should be a minimum of 3 pages and include the following (in any order you choose).

       Describe the film in general terms. What subjects does it cover? Describe the plot and setting. What issues does it raise? What do you see as the main purpose of the film?

How does this film relate to it’s historical place and time? What are the values expressed in this fim?? (with specific examples)What is the primary audience for this film? (give concrete examples from the film.
What are the major theme(s) of the film?

Narration (story, dramatic appeal, motivation, closure, point of view)Sound (music, dialogue, silence, language, narrator, sound effects)Photography (focus, frame, angle, movement, space, sets, light, color)Editing (order, cuts, duration, rhythm, continuity, montage, motifs)-how are they all used to express the themes and values of the film.
       Evaluate the film for quality and interest. Comment on the screenplay, acting, direction, production values and music. Are any literary techniques such as symbolism, character development and foreshadowing used? How does this film relate to it’s historical place and time? What are the values expressed in this fim?? (with specific examples)What is the primary audience for this film?
       Relate the film to class discussions, readings, notes or knowledge. Is the film historically (or factually) accurate and realistic? Does it contradict or support anything you have learned?
       Summarize briefly emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of the film.Does it achieve it’s purpose?

       All papers must be typed(12pt )double-spaced in MLA format with a title Save the paper as a PDF and submitted under Assignments on this web site..
       All papers must contain information detailed in the procedure section of these guidelines.

Due Date Tuesday, March 28, 2017