Hello there!! Anna is my name. Digital Media is my claim to fame, is that lame? My family of six is kinda cool. We spend a lot of time by our pool, while our dogs tend to drool. Although the pool is cool, I spend a lot of time in school. When summer fun is done, winter snow begins to show. When snow blows, my happiness shows. Coffee is needed or I’ll be heated. When I dance I prance and then tend to take a chance. My chances get me in trouble because I never stay in my bubble. My friends and I are tight even when they bite (like actually). Because we truly fully bully one another. I am super fun and make a lot of puns. Ok well it is just yo mamma jokes because im hilarious and a super duper funny trooper. I hope I didn’t annoy. Now, enjoy my web before bed! Don’t hit your head!