Emotion | To Kill A Mockingbird | FORUM


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1:26 PM
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Another feature of a good or even great movie is it’s ability to evoke our emotions throughout. Discuss the emotions that were evoked in “To Kill A Mockingbird” and at what point in the movie they occurred.

9:04 PM

Throughout “To Kill a Mockingbird” many emotions were evoked. One emotion the writers of the movie made us feel was sympathy for Tom Robinson. They made us feel sympathy because through context clues you know he is innocent while Mr. Ewell is guilty. Since Mr. Ewell and his daughter are both cowards and won’t admit the truth they need someone to blame which led to Tom Robinson being charged. More emotions watchers of the film experienced was surprise and fear. Near the end on film when Jem and Scout are getting attacked fear takes over the watcher and the element of surprise comes in when Boo Radley, a man who hasn’t come out of his in twenty some years, comes to the rescue.

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