


Quiz on Chapter 1 and Adaptation & Point of View

Photography-Chapter 1


Due 09/11/2015

Read Chapter 1: Photography

Thursday: The Shots, The Angles, Light and Dark &Color

Friday: Lenses Filters and Stocks & The Digital Revolution & The Cinematographer

Watch: Life Is Beautiful 

Literary Adaptation


Due: 09/08/2015


Due: 09/09/2015

Download the Handout for Week 1 and look at the  additional “for consideration” types of literary adaptation. Explain in a few sentences if To Kill A Mockingbird uses any of these and why or why not.

Go to the Forum Under To Kill A Mockingbird and read the two entries by Ms. R. Respond to 1 of the 2 entries. Response must be at least 4 sentences and insightful.

Final 2


Fair Use 2

Based on Video 1 in Front Page Slider

1. Which of the following is not always required when taking steps to avoid copyright infringement?
2. You can use an entire original work from someone if you are using it for educational purposes.
3. I can make a profit from my work if I only use a small portion of someone else’s in it?
4. If I am writing a blog I can use a part of another commentator’s article.
5. If I crop and rework a graphic element from someone else and use it in an entirely new way than the original artist I can claim fair use.

Mac Shortcuts

SHortcuts based on Film #2 in the Front Page SLider

6. The Shortcut Keys  Command + Tab  when pressed together do the following:
7. Pressing the Command + Spacebar Keys together does the following:
8. Pressing the Command + Q keys at the same time does the following:
9. Pressing the Command + Tic Key simultaneously does the following:


Based on Videos #3, #4 and #5 in Front Page Slider

10. Choose either video #3, #4 or #5 on the Digital Media front page slider and sum up what it’s message is in a paragraph.


In the video above, what framing device was used to capture this scene?




Richard van As lost four fingers in a carpentry accident, as he sat in the hospital waiting to hear if they could stitch his fingers back on, he decided not to dwell on the sad part- but think positive and brilliantly and find a way to fix the problem. Which is how the robohand, a mechanical hand/fingers was created. At first he just used it for himself, and has now gone viral, helping several arm and hand amputees everyday!