11:14 ELIO

11:14 is a pyscological thriller that is very entertaining. I am astonished at the fact that the director was able to bring everything together at the end. Everyone essesntially got what was comin gto them. I enjoyed the movie because of the suspense and sense of mystery.

11:14 Conrad

11:14 is thriller that has multiple things happening at the same time. This movie shows different crimes being committed all at the same time. In the end it shows why exactly the girl was getting money from her boyfriends and so everything in this movie happens for a reason.


mind F movie

1114 was a movie about fate and things happening to people that they deserved. Almost everyone in this movie got what was coming to them. I was a really thought out movie that messed with your mind.

Donnie Darko -Bridget

The whole primary and tangent universe confuses me enough as it is and this movie did not help. Seeing how what happens in the tangent universe effects the primary universe is interesting. Ultimately, at the end of the movie, Donnie kills himself in the primary universe by using his own mind in the tangent universe to send off the plane engine. In the tangent universe, this kills his mother, sister, and her whole dance team. Before this event, Gretchen dies, leading to the death of the man in the bunny suit, who befriends Donnie as Frank. All 28 days pass in the tangent universe, meanwhile he’s just sleeping in the primary universe. When 28 days of “dreaming” passes, Donnie wakes up, laughing as he realizes, it was all a “dream”. Followed by him falling asleep, the engine that he sent off in his mind in the tangent universe, comes and falls in his room, killing him. Overall, this is all just very confusing and makes me think about tangent and primary universes more. I’m not even sure if I believe in them or if I have a choice to.

donnie d

I find Donnie Darko to be such an incredibly weird yet amazing movie. It centers itself around a twisted timeline of a young man diagnosed as borderline schizophrenic. One night Donnie finds himself sleep walking out in the middle of the night, but fortunately while he was gone a jet engine crashes into his bedroom. Donnie’s nocturnal imaginary rabbit friend is who warns him about the world coming to an end and constantly reminds him while making him flood his school and burn a house down along the way. He then becomes able to see time line’s in front of his family and friends that lead them to the future. The film circulates around this “tangent universe” which took me about 4 times watching the movie to fully understand what that means. Donnie becomes fascinated by the theory of time travel which makes the movie set-up so powerful and fascinating.

Donnie Darko- Victoria Middleton

Donnie Darko is one of my favorite films. It is a cult film that many enjoy but few truly understand. Only after the third time I saw it did I start to understand the tangent universe theory behind the film. After reading the tangent universe theory, it is clear that there is meaning behind even the most minute details of the plot. On the surface, Donnie Darko seems like it may be like any other angsty teen flick- which makes the complexities of it even more fascinating and consuming. Cosmic events occur alongside the most mundane of suburban issues. That is the true brilliance of it. It’s a science fiction film without all of the usual pomp and circumstance that goes along with science fiction. After reading the tangent universe theory, I have an even greater appreciation and all of the thought put into the direction and screenplay.

Donnie Darko

Upon reading the explanation of Donnie Darko, I was concerned to learn that his schizophrenic power is considered a blessing necessary to save the world. Throughout the movie Donnie commits actions willed by the manipulated dead, Frank, that are seemingly preposterous. However, as the reasoning behind his actions are exposed, it becomes evident that each event is crucial to his ultimate sacrifice of making sure the Tangent Universe dissolves properly. Combined with help from Gretchen, his teachers, Frank, Roberta Sparrow, and the powers that deem him blessed, Donnie is able to delete the Tangent Universe and secure the reintroduction of the Primary Universe.

These powers were difficult to interpret during the movie because of the overlapping universe. Though it is evident that Donnie is a gifted communicator, I was unable to preserve his other powers, including telekinesis. He employed these forces in the last part of the film when dismounting the jet engine from the aircraft and sending it through the portal. By eradicating the duplicated object, Donnie ensures the prolongment of the Primary Universe. Unfortunately Donnie does not survive his heroic endeavor, rendering him useless to the next living receiver. However, Roberta Sparrow and her book live on to guide the future living receivers.

The continual inception and destruction of Tangent Universes keeps the concept of the film weird, interesting, and relevant. The phycological nature of the movie, Donnie Darko, produces a captivating film that forces the audience to engage with and interpret each aspect of the events pertaining to the plot.

Taylor Z Opinion On Donnie Darko

I think the director is so creative. The movie takes place in a tangent universe that is started because an artifact comes into the world. Donnie is chosen as the living receiver and he has to get rid of the artifact (the jet engine) in order to save the primary universe. Donnie does not realize he was chosen at first, and talks to frank. Frank and Gretchen are the manipulated dead and they can travel through time and talk to the living receiver. They also kind of know about the disaster that is about to come up. Also everyone affiliated with with Donnie through out the movie such as his english teacher or his family also help him and are manipulated living.

After reading the theory of the website everything really made sense. Every scene has a purpose and helps Donnie on his journey. I love how you subtly can tell that Donnie has a mission. The theory makes the whole movie fall into place. Without knowing the theory it is a little murky of what the purpose of Donnie’s actions in the film. However I loved how the film was filmed and I thought the acting was great. The scenes with frank were very creative and donnie’s acting was amazing.

Donnie Darko Movie Review

Donnie Darko is an incredibly complex and amazing film. Young Jake G really does the twisted character immense justice. One of my favorite scenes in the whole movie is the juxtaposition between Donnie lighting the home on fire and the young girls dancing at the talent show/ the scene where Donnie refers to Jim Cunningham as the “anti-Christ”. It gives a unique perspective on depression, schizophrenia, and death and the overall value of our lives. The film is a cult classic and is beautifully shot, especially those that incorporate nature.

The unexplained phenomenon of the TU is crazy. It really makes you reflect upon all the incidents of the film and somewhat explains the erratic behavior of the characters.Also, the fact that Gretchen is Manipulated Dead was pretty depressing, because she seems like the one redeemable quality of Donnie’s life. But she is an interesting contrast from Frank. This is the second time that I have seen this movie and the theory really twisted this movie up for me!! It did clarify some of the strange occurrences that happen within this film, but I kind of enjoyed it complexities and not being able to understand it. It gave the film a deeper mystery behind it.


Donnie Darko is a quality movie. The idea of having a tangent universe is a hard concept to grasp but to make a whole movie would be difficult. Adding a Fourth Dimension when Frank can travel in time adds some spice to the movie. Frank being the manipulated dead allows him to travel back into time to save Donnie. When the jet engine falls through the portal between dimensions Frank warns Donnie to get out. Frank continues to help Donnie survive until the portal closes. When the portal closes the cycle is complete and Donnie remembers all of the future and dies in order to save the universe.